teacher changed my life

What led me to chose this topic was i wanted to see the outcome . The story i was reading was ” how a teacher changed my life ” My three questions was where did this story take place , what is the usual outcome of these changed lives . and finally how their life change ?

Critical thinking , thinking about the question possibly before you read the text . i found a few answers to my questions , where the story took place was in greek village where he was born in 1939.

how they’re life turned out , how it changed , most grew up to be business owners and successful leaders. no i kinda knew the things i learned by thinking critically . researching was fairly easy the sites where good with information . the best part of the assignment was the outcomes .


3rd Blog CFA channing coleman

In our classroom we have a CFA program and i think it prepares us for now and for later on in the future . it gives us tips on how to handle situations and tips on how to possible run a business when we get older .

This months topic was critical thinking how could you use critical thinking to solve problems as teens . we wrote down 5 problems we have as teens and we picked one problem and we asked each other what critical thinking can we use to solve this one problem that we picked .

The one most discussed was our attitude’s and grades , things we said was we can stop and think before we speak , and put down our phones and not watch t.v. and take that time to study to get our grades up.

Teenage Brains

The tittle of the article i read was Teenage Brains Are Malleable Vulnerable Researcher’s Say. The author was John Hamilton . it is about the researching of teenage brains how they work and the causes and effects on them and what we do with them . it has pictures in stuff but to me it would be the same as in black board . it has real stuff in it it makes it real .

Building a fire in extreme weather

As i was researching how to build a weather in extreme cold weather these are some questions i had while i was researching 1. how would you make fire on top of ice 2. what would you do if all the wood was damp or wet. 3. how would you spark up the fire ?

Start big start by gathering fuel , a stack of logs as long as you are tall and waste high . you can start by laying them along a dead tree or stacking them together , don’t neglect burned stubs. also dry logs work just as fine spuce and pine needles burn easy.

Although a snow strom is no time to look for fungus or dry grass , make a soft ball sized nest of bark shaving, rusted pine needles and feathered wood kindling splits , build a teepee from your kindling around the tinder, starting with tiny twigs to kindling as thick as your thumb.

Bring tender with you , cotton balls smeared with petroleum jelly , forget those wind proof matches that require a chemical reaction to ignite , the best to use is a butane lighter . Well it seems your going to need to be prepared for this most of my questions was answered but i wonder what would you do if you weren’t prepared . what would you do ?